
April 5, 2024    
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Join Greg McMillan, noted phone photography educator for a talk on phone photography.

This – Zoom talk will be about an introduction to iPhone photography and how to take a photographic approach to it.
Greg McMillan is an enthusiastic iPhone photographer, who enjoys the challenges associated with the iPhone camera, and the abundance of editing apps available. In 2016, he fully embraced iPhone photography, selling his Canon gear. Greg relies on his iPhone 15 Pro Max, macro lenses from Struman Optics, ShiftCam and Reeflex, and various apps to transform everyday photos into artistic creations. He co-hosted the Tiny Shutter podcast, discussing iPhone photography until its conclusion in 2020 and now hosts The iPhoneography Podcast with Tiny Shutter alumni, Dave Podnar. Greg published an eBook in 2018, chronicling his transition from traditional to iPhone photography, featuring many images from his various iPhones. Greg’s recent project involves self-publishing a book on macro photography with the iPhone, which will be available in print and digital in the spring of 2024. He participates in a bi-weekly livestream on YouTube with Australian YouTube creator and mobile photographer, Shayne Mostyn. Greg actively engages in online communities on Facebook, Instagram, and Glass.