Spring 2024 CPS Mentee Request

Registration is now underway for the Spring 2024 Mentoring Round. The program will run through June 30, 2024 at the discretion of your mentor. 

Registration closes on Sunday, April 7, 2024 at 9pm. There will be no requests accepted after this date and time. 

You must register using the form at the bottom of this page. 

Your form must include the following information. Incomplete registrations may be rejected.

  1. Name, phone, email and level of experience- beginner, intermediate, advanced.
  2. You must state that you a current CPS member
  3. You must state that you have taken Fundamentals of Photography or have comparable education or experience. This program is meant to compliment, not replace the courses offer by CPS. 
  4. The name of your preferred mentor and up to two alternates.
  5. State that you agree to the Mentee Responsibilities below. 

  Responsibilities of a Mentee 

You agree to respect the time and experience of your mentor. The mentors have volunteered to take you under their wing and guidance, share their experience and knowledge.  

When your mentor sets up a meeting time and place, once you RSVP, please be at the location on time.  If you cannot, due to unforeseen circumstances, give them the courtesy of a minimum of 24-48 hours notice by phone or text. Do not leave them waiting. A last minute emergency warrants a last minute phone call or text! 

No children, other family members or friends should attend a mentoring session.  

Please be prepared. Bring what you need with you, it does you no good at home or in your car. Be prepared to carry your gear. No one is going to carry it for you. Wear appropriate footwear and clothing. Weather is not an excuse to stay home unless the mentor cancels. 

Learn how to access basic controls for aperture, shutter speed and ISO ahead of time.  Please download your camera manual onto your phone. These are available on the manufacturer’s website.

You must state that you agree to the Mentee Responsibilities listed above. If you do not, your request will be rejected. 

The deadline to submit is 9pm, on Sunday, April 7, 2024.  

Thank you for your interest in the mentorship program. Entries are now closed. Please check back later for info on the fall mentorship session.