
August 30, 2024    
7:30 pm

All new(er) CPS members and current students in good standing can and are encouraged to enter these special Club competitions – designed specifically for them.

For rules, labels, tutorials and more, please visit the Competitions page of this website.

All are welcome to view the virtual results on the CPS YouTube Channel, but only members can submit images.

The category for all “B” competitions is Pictorial – an open category without restrictions.

Even if you don’t enter, you can learn a lot from hearing the judge’s comments. All are welcome to attend, but only newer members and students can submit images.

Projection Competitions: Images are submitted through ShutterScore and the deadline is usually nine days before the competition but this will be posted on the calendar page. If you have not used ShutterScore before, sign in and create a free account and then follow the directions.

Print Competitions: The deadline for prints is 7:30PM the night of the competition. Prints can be dropped off earlier at the CPS clubhouse, whenever it is open, in the front Gathering Room in the box labeled for print competitions.