
September 8, 2023    
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
Cleveland Photographic Society I have missed you! I was a member way back in 2009 – almost 15 years ago! 

When the pandemic hit in 2020, I watched as all my photographic subjects vanished. Travel and Comic Conventions completely shut down. I feared how long the world would be in masks and my beloved people photography would be taken away. To compensate, I focused on the only thing that had eyes and no masks: Wildlife Photography. For eight and a half months of the last three and a half years, I have photographed wild creatures of all types.

During this presentation I will talk about what I have learned and am still learning about Wildlife Photography as well as share some interesting stories that revolve around what it was like traveling during COVID.


Susan Onysko devoted her last two decades to the art of photography. She first dipped her toes into the world of Travel Photography, learning from some of the best instructors in the world. This proved to be opportune as Travel Photography encompasses many genres, giving her an expansive strong base in Landscape, Culture, People, Wildlife, Street Photography, and much more. From there she developed a simple, minimalistic style for unexpected images that evoke a subject’s purest essence.


Lover of Light

To enhance her travel images, Susan started using Flash to add more sparkle to her portraits. This led her down a rabbit hole into the world of Studio Photography. Susan photographed portraits and weddings locally for many years but always yearned to photograph subjects who were a bit more exotic. Her children introduced her to the world of Cosplay at a comic convention in 2016 and the project “Cosplay 50: The United States of Cosplay” was born. She is traveling with her studio to all fifty states to photograph Cosplayers at these Cosplay conventions. As of 2023 she will have photographed Cosplayers in thirty-three states.


The Quiet Observer 

Entering the world of photography after the birth of her fourth child has led Susan to have an easygoing and patient nature which is well-suited for extended travel expeditions, long days in the field, and making the most of unplanned opportunities. She discovered a love of wildlife photography during COVID when traveling was difficult or almost impossible. The convention world was shut down and beloved people from all over the world were in masks. She reflects seemingly human emotions in wildlife, such as love, bliss, and playfulness. She quietly positions herself when photographing people or wildlife to convey a relatable moment that unites us in our similarities. As such, her well-rounded, professional work has garnered numerous awards and exhibits. Currently she has a permanent exhibit at the Cleveland Hopkins Airport and is a co-founding artist and is represented by the Fotonostrum Gallery in Barcelona, Spain.


The Unbridled Creative 

Susan has sought out training and mentors in various disciplines of photography who expand beyond technical “rules” and who, like herself, pour their souls into creating works of art infused with painstaking attention to detail not seen before. She starts the creative process in-camera which comes quite easily since her career started right as digital photography took off. Then, using Lightroom and Photoshop, she enhances images to help convey the mood that she intends for the photograph. Susan has an insatiable desire to always be learning, always be creating, and always be perfecting her craft. Her desire to discover is never quenched, triggered by boundless energy and a childlike curiosity for all things photographic.