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Wally Nell Stories From The Middle East

July 5, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm –   Title:  STORIES FROM THE MIDDLE EAST ABOUT WALLY NELL Wally Nell (FPSSA,FPPSDC), originally from South Africa, has lived in Egypt for 6 years and is now back in the United States, currently in the Akron/Cleveland, Ohio area. He is a professional freelance photographer who has contributed to ZUMA Press, and other publications and news agencies while working both […]

People & Pictorial Competition (Projection)

July 12, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm – All CPS members in good standing can and are encouraged to enter Club competitions. For rules, labels, tutorials and more, please visit the Competitions page of the website. All are welcome to view the event live or at a later time on our CPS YouTube channel but only members can submit images. Even if you […]

Nelson – Kennedy Ledges State Park Field Trip

July 13, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm – Itinerary: Plan to meet at the parking lot at 10am.  There are several loops that we can go on.  Photography opportunities include landscape, plants, and birding. PLEASE NOTE: The difficulty level is between moderate to slightly difficult depending on your fitness level.  The terrain is uneven with elevations, and small rock formations to climb over.  […]

Fairport Harbor Field Trip

July 14, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 11:30 am – Itinerary: Meet at 9:00am at Walnut Beach to photograph the Ashtabula Lighthouse.  We will proceed to Headland’s Park to photograph the Fairport Harbor Breakwater Lighthouse and finish up at the Fairport Harbor Lighthouse.   Who: There is no cost for this field trip.  Participants are responsible for parking fees.  The field trip is open to EVERYONE. […]

Chris Murray The Subjective Landscape Zoom presentation clubhouse is open

July 19, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Chris Murray The Subjective Landscape   In this presentation I will draw a distinction between two schools of thought in landscape photography today, what I call objective and subjective landscapes. I will discuss the defining qualities of each and how they differ in both approach and intent. I will also discuss ways that we can express and develop our own personal vision in […]

Nature & Pictorial Competition (Projection)

July 26, 2024 @ 7:30 pm – 10:00 pm – All CPS members in good standing can and are encouraged to enter Club competitions. For rules, labels, tutorials and more, please visit the Competitions page of the website. All are welcome to view the event live or at a later time on our CPS YouTube channel but only members can submit images. Even if you […]