You won’t want to miss a very special presentation detailing the upcoming photographic technology that will radically change how everyone takes photographs in the very near future. The CPS Special Interest Group meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 3 will premiere Dave Busch’s new presentation, “Photography in the Future (and Today).” While everyone predicts higher resolution sensors, improved dynamic ranges, and sophisticated tools for autofocus subject detection, true innovations – many of which are already being implemented – are much more surprising. Time-of-flight sensing makes it easy to adjust an image’s plane-of-focus, bokeh, and depth-of-field, even after the image is taken. Quad-Bayer digitizers and pixel-shift technology can quadruple the amount of information in your photos. Expect exciting breakthroughs in lens design, real-time in-camera computational processing, and amazing pre-buffering techniques (which let you capture action that happened before you actually pressed the shutter button).
The Cleveland Photographic Society is getting an exclusive first look at this presentation, so we hope to see you there, and for the regular camera-specific problem-solving discussions that follow.