
August 17, 2024    
8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Event Type

Itinerary: Meet at 8:00am at Marblehead Lighthouse to photograph the lighthouse.  We will then proceed to the Huron Lighthouse, Vermillion Lighthouse and finish up at the Lorain Harbor Lighthouse.


Who: There is no cost for this field trip.  Participants are responsible for parking fees.  The field trip is open to EVERYONE.


Where: Meeting point: Marblehead Lighthouse

For a map: click here


Equipment: Camera. Various interchangeable lens including wide-angle, telephoto (min. 400mm), or multi-purpose zoom lens, tripod (recommended). Extra batteries, and memory cards, etc. and dress appropriately to the weather forecast. If it is warm, you may need bug spray


Additional Information:

Link: Marblehead Lighthouse

Link: Huron Lighthouse

Link: Vermillion Lighthouse

Link: Lorain Harbor Lighthouse

In addition, there are a few options for lunch along the way.


Remember to be cognizant of other photographers when you are walking around or preparing to set up you tripod or take a photo (look around to see if you might be in another photographer’s viewing angle). If you see another photographer already setting up their shot please be courteous and stay out of their line of shooting. If you have a good location, please be prudent with your time so that other photographers might also have the opportunity to capture their spectacular images from that or a nearby location as well. You should also move from the intended field of view as well, and not linger or be involved in a conversation that could take place elsewhere. Please note that this ettiquette applies indoors (in a church for example) or outside even where the photographer “aiming” in your direction might be several hundreds of feet away. Also, be careful when you stand up or back up with your long lens, there might be a fellow photographer behind you that you might bump into. Follow the old adage: do unto a fellow photographer as you would with another photographer would do to you!

Field Trip Sponsor: Thank you, Jerry Phenney for coordinating!


Additional Questions: Email: Field Trips


PLEASE NOTE: As with all field trips, CPS cannot be held responsible for any accidents or injuries – participate at your own risk.