The Cleveland Photographic Society’s year-end competition offers members a chance to resubmit their favorite entries from the current competition year. Awards are presented for accumulated points throughout the year, winners in each of our competition categories, and special awards that meet specific criteria.

Accumulated Points Awards
Accumulated points are automatically calculated from each member’s competition entries throughout the club year. This award is designed to recognize consistent and quality entries.
Points are awarded according to placement in each competition:
- 1st place: 5 points
- 2nd place: 4 points
- 3rd place: 3 points
- Honorable mention: 2 points
Tallies are kept automatically — no further action is required on your part to be eligible for this award. First place winners receive a medal; second and third places receive ribbons. Ties are not broken.
Category-Based Awards
Any image entered in regular competition can be re-entered in that year’s Year-End Competition. Your image did not have to win its original competition in order to be eligible.
- Images must be re-submitted for consideration.
- Up to three images per category can be entered.
- Use the same label and image name – enter the image exactly as it was entered previously.
- Images must be entered in the same category and classification.
- Example 1: If you previously entered an image in Creative, you may enter the same image in Year-End Creative.
- Example 2: If you previously entered an image in Nature, you may not enter the same image in Year-End Pictorial.
- Example 3: If you previously entered an image in Black & White and Pictorial, you may enter it in either Black & White or Pictorial.
Categories are the same as we always use for competitions – Black & White, Creative, Nature, People and Pictorial. Because there are more Pictorial images than in other categories, an Image of the Year is selected for both Pictorial Print and Pictorial Projection.
In each Category and Classification, one image is designated Image of the Year and will hang on the clubroom wall for the entire club year.
Places are also awarded for First, Second and Third place in each category and classification
Winning photos are displayed at the meeting and winners are presented ribbons.Ties are broken automatically.
We encourage you to enter images, even if they didn’t place in their original competition. There are always surprises!
Special Awards
In addition to the awards listed above, there are seven additional Special Awards, named after important people in the Club’s history. These images are printed and framed for display on the Gathering Room wall.
- John Moddejonge Award – Color Scenic – Pictorial
- Henry Mayer Award – Nature – Projection
- William Meyer Award – Scenic Nature – Black & White
- Ruth Morrison Award – Authentic Wildlife – Nature
- Charles Caseau Award – Through Processing – Creative
- Charlie Cervenak Award – People (unrestricted)
- Bert Klein Award – Pet or Domesticated Animal – Pictorial
You don’t need to do anything special to apply for consideration of any of these awards except for the Morrison award. In this case, you must write the word “Authentic” on the label of your Nature print, certifying that the image was taken of the subject in its natural environment.
Visit our Special Awards page for more information about the members who inspired these awards and past winners.
Entry Information
For print images, bring your images to the club room before the deadline date and places them in the boxes marked for the year-end competition. Be sure your prints are labeled with the same information they had in their original competitions. See the Competitions page for printable labels and matting information.
For projection images, log in to the Shutter Score website and choose from the images you’ve previously entered in regular competition. Click here to visit Shutter Score.
Unlike regular CPS competitions, Year-End awards are determined during a closed judging session due to the large number of entries.
Award Announcements
All results are tabulated and held by the individual Competition Chairs and are announced at the Club’s Annual Awards meeting in mid-May. Anyone who is anyone in CPS will be there – and that should include YOU!
Strict and final deadline for all entries is usually around the end of March – check the club calendar and check the website for the date All Year-End awards are announced at the Annual Awards meeting, held on a Friday in mid-May each year. Check the club calendar for this year’s date.